Here you are. Reading the crazy, insightful ramblings of our life. So who are we anyways? Rob, Amber and Louis. We’re the Remarks. A couple of lovers, parents, just trying to make it through this thing called life together, while taking some time to enjoy the ride. I’m a teacher, and Rob is an architect (… well, working towards being one). We laugh more than I thought possible, and life feels like one constant adventure. So jump on our train for a while, and ride along with us. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two, maybe you’ll laugh, or maybe you’ll shed a few tears. Whatever it is, I hope you feel somehow connected to the Remarks.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

I'll Love You Til The End

This weekend we had the opportunity to attend wedding #4 since our own big day. It has been fun, these past couple of months, getting the chance to experience weddings through a different scope. Before Rob and I were engaged, weddings were always so fabulous to attend, but they always left a sadness in my heart. It sounds pathetic. In fact, I’d be willing to say that it is pathetic. But each time we would attend a wedding, I would long, so deeply, for my turn. Not so much to be the bride, although I was looking forward to that too, but for my turn to become someone’s built-in best friend. And since I knew who that someone was, it made my heart long even more for the day we got to ‘start our life together’.

And then I finally got the chance. And it has been as fabulous as I always dreamed it would be.

But weddings are a bit different now. I get to view them through the eyes of someone who has lived the experience, stood in the place of the bride, and Rob and I get to re-live the emotions of our day. From the walk down the isle, to the speeches, to the final farewell. Each time we witness a couple, exchanging vows, and glowing with happiness, we glance at each other and, for a short time, share a moment of silent, unspoken I remember that so clearly.

It has been a truly beautiful experience, filled with so much joy for those couples who are only just beginning life’s most beautiful and rewarding journey.

And what a journey it truly is.

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