Here you are. Reading the crazy, insightful ramblings of our life. So who are we anyways? Rob, Amber and Louis. We’re the Remarks. A couple of lovers, parents, just trying to make it through this thing called life together, while taking some time to enjoy the ride. I’m a teacher, and Rob is an architect (… well, working towards being one). We laugh more than I thought possible, and life feels like one constant adventure. So jump on our train for a while, and ride along with us. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two, maybe you’ll laugh, or maybe you’ll shed a few tears. Whatever it is, I hope you feel somehow connected to the Remarks.


We are adventurersIn every sense of the word. We like to explore, whether it is our backyard, or the world abroad. I partially thank Rob for instilling a love for adventure in me- when he left our newly-blossoming love to study abroad in Rome, and I was drawn to the city simply for a boy. However, since the days we traveled through Europe together, we have enjoyed many trips and we have discovered that we often fall more in love (between the yelling matches that ensue due to Google Maps) when we are charting new territory. We would love to see every inch of the world together, so here we are- slowly checking off the pieces of the puzzle.
-Bozeman, Montana- Explored together for the first time in 2008 where we had our official first date. Amber later moved to town, and we had many adventures in a city we now claim as our favorite city in the United States. Some of our favorite Bozeman adventures included: hiking, skiing, taking photography of the beautiful scenery, walks on Pete’s Hills, and enjoying the many beautiful sunsets. 

Rome, Italy- Rob lived in Rome during the summer of 2008. It was at the end of July when Amber joined him for a two week trip through Europe. Wandering around with Rob as the tour guide, they explored museums, visited the cities most sought-after sites, and even had a long awaited foot race around the Circus Circus Maximus, the dispute is still in the air about who won that race. Between hours on our feet, many meals of pizza, and dreaming of trips back, Rome is the city in which we fell in love.

Paris, France- After spending a week traveling through Rome, we hopped on a train and headed to Paris, the city of love. Not unlike in Rome, Paris was jam packed with sites to see, food to take in, and things to do. Rob, being a more seasoned traveler, was interested in each and every art piece in the hours upon hours spent in museums, while Amber got yelled at by a guard for sitting on the floor of the museums waiting for Rob. Whether they were on top of the Eifle Tower, or below the glass pyramid of the Louvre, Paris treated them well and was another wonderful start to their lifetime of love.

Leavenworth and Wenatchee, Washington- During the summer of 2009 Rob’s parents drove through Bozeman and picked Rob and I up on their way out to Wenatchee Washington for Rob’s cousin’s wedding. This was the first time Amber had been west of Montana, and the drive through the mountain passes was breathtaking. Everything was so green an luscious in July. While they were in Washington, they discovered the cute, quaint little town of Leavenworth with shops and tourist traps galore. It was a fun weekend of seeing western Montana and eastern Washington.

Denver, Colorado- In November of 2009 we got in the car for Thanksgiving break and headed to spend the weekend in Denver and shoot down to Colorado Springs for a friend’s wedding. The road trip on the streets of Denver proved to be trying, but the Garden of the Gods, Denver’s Downtown walking street, and the 68 degree run on Thanksgiving day were enough to make the trip more than memorable. It was the most southern trip we had seen together to date, and Amber swore she would move to Denver in a heartbeat.

Southern California- Spring break 2010. Bozeman was cold, and we had an opportunity to head to California with a couple friends to spend a week in the sunshine. The four of us made the 20 hour drive, and finally arrived in Yucaipa, California. During our week there, we walked the beaches of Newport Beach, saw the city of Laguna Beach, drove the streets of Yucaipa, walked outside of (yes, we were at the gates and did not go in- I’m still sad about that) Disneyland, and lived the California life. Amber thoroughly enjoyed the warm weather, and spending the middle of March in a pool. Rob enjoyed jumping off the roof of a house into a pool.

Lake Country Minnesota (Lake Jewett, Lake Margaret, Pelican Lake, Bad Medicine Lake, Lake Minnetonka) - In May 2011 Rob Graduated college, and we moved back to Minnesota where Amber was going to start student teaching the following fall. During the summer of 2011, we spent our time hopping from Minnesota lake to Minnesota lake, enjoying the different topography of lakes county. The vacations out of Minnesota that we managed to take that year were always trips back to Bozeman (3 of them to be exact), I guess we really missed it!

Duluth, Minnesota- We first traveled to Duluth for a labor day camping trip in September of 2012. Amber had never spent time in or around the city of Duluth, so she was excited to just explore the sites of the city. We enjoyed seeing the city, eating and many delicious restaurants, and driving up the north shore. It was during this trip that Rob popped the question, thus beginning our lifelong journey of adventures. We returned to Duluth the following year on the exact weekend, labor day of 2013, and plan to make it an annual trip to celebrate our love in the city I said “yes” to being a lifelong world-wide wanderer with Rob.

Riviera Maya, Mexico- After our wedding in June 2014, we took off for a romantic honeymoon to the Riviera Maya. Rob had never been to Mexico, so it was an adventure to say the least. We loved our resort, The Grand Riviera Princess, and enjoyed walks on the beach, sleeping past noon, naps in the afternoon, endless cool drinks, exploring the different resort restaurants, and zip-lining through the jungle. It couldn’t have been a better experience.

- Seattle, Washington- May 2014. After the school year of 2014 ended, we hopped on a plane to hit up a city I have heard so much about and always wanted to see. We got to visit one of our greatest friends, and took in so much of the Northwest it was unreal. We spent time in Issiquah, walked the streets of downtown Seattle, drove around Mt. Rainier and took the ferry to Bainbridge island where we drove all the way up to Port Townsend. It was an amazing trip with many new sites to see.

- Portland, Oregon- June 2014. Rob had some friends from architecture school who were living in Portland, so after spending some time in Seattle we got on the Amtrak and headed down to Portland. While in Portland we got to witness the culture to its fullest, and headed to the coast to see how beautiful the Oregon coast truly was.

What a true joy it has been experiencing the sites, sounds and tastes of this world next to the one I love. I can’t wait to add a lifetime of adventures to this list.

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