Here you are. Reading the crazy, insightful ramblings of our life. So who are we anyways? Rob, Amber and Louis. We’re the Remarks. A couple of lovers, parents, just trying to make it through this thing called life together, while taking some time to enjoy the ride. I’m a teacher, and Rob is an architect (… well, working towards being one). We laugh more than I thought possible, and life feels like one constant adventure. So jump on our train for a while, and ride along with us. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two, maybe you’ll laugh, or maybe you’ll shed a few tears. Whatever it is, I hope you feel somehow connected to the Remarks.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Good. So Good.

"Okay God, I hear you, and I priase you because YOU ARE SO GOOD."

Lately these have been the words of my heart. As I have struggled through the days of learning new curriculums, attempting to assist 25 students of extremely varying academic levels, and forging the grounds of living in a new city I have found myself repeatedly praying "God, you are so faithful, you provide and you comfort and you lead and you are just. so. good." 

Today was one of those days. 

I am becoming more and more convinced that God rips us out of our comfort zones and plants us somewhere freightening because He wants to grow us, He wants to use us, and he wants to change our perspective drastically reminding us that we are not on this earth for our glory, but for His glory.

And tonight, as I sit at my computer exhausted from a long, emotional day "on the job" I can pray and rejoice and preach fervently with thanksgiving that God is so good.

Because I know that it was not by my own doing that I just so happened upon a fellowship of believers who would challenge me and grow me and strengthen me in my faith. And I am certain that it was not any action that I took that I was entrusted 25 little lives to touch, and 20 amazing adults to come alongside me. And I believe without a shadow of a doubt that the "should we move", "we are moving", "why did we do this" tears and struggles are part of a great, big, grander plan that I have yet to see.

So tonight, weary, worn, and tired I pray a Thank you Jesus that your plan is so much bigger and better than ours could ever be. Thank you that you are carefully orchestrating events in our lives for Your glory. Thank you that where we cannot see hope and purpose, you show it to us in amazing ways. Thank you for community, and friends and fellowship, for Your hand in all things- big and small. Help me to continue to focus on Your grander plan realizing that it is so much better than my day-to-day priorities.

Love from Dickinson.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Sewing Project... Check.

I'm super proud of my latest sewing project. It's certainly not perfect, but it is complete. Which, these days, is a huge accomplishment in-and-of itself.

Background Story: After leaving my colorfully painted classroom at Oak Grove, I was bummed to enter a classroom that wasn't splashed with color in every which direction. I was certain that I needed to do something to spice up the room, and I knew it would have to be with accents. Enter the curtains. So  I went to JoAnn's and bought yards upon yards of fabric- this was in June.

Then... Packing. And weddings. And more packing. And soaking up our last days in Fargo/Moorhead. And packing and moving.

The fabric sat. Nothing happened and they did not turn into curtains.

We arrived in Dickinson and immediately I went into go mode getting my classroom ready for little kiddos. All of a sudden it was the end of August and I still hadn't gotten to that sewing project that I had bought fabric for way back in June. So I wrote it off and decided that curtains would have to wait until next year.

Until the Friday before school started when I decided that my room was too bare and that I needed to do this project. So I sat down for a 12 hour work session and...

I really love what they add to my room!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

On Purpose.

     The more we get settled in our new house and I get used to calling this place home, the more and more I am convinced that God put us here on purpose. It's not that it wasn't as plain as day that we were being called to uproot our lives and move, as doors continually swung wide open before our move. Somebody could have been practically autibally yelling "GO!" in my face, and I'm not certain I would have been as sure and confident as I am now. But being here, and feeling a sense of purpose and peace has made it clear to me that we are exactly where we are supposed to be right now.
     Over the past few weeks Rob and I have been abundantly blessed with answers to prayer after prayer. Amazing people have litearlly walked into our lives and we've felt like we are right where we are meant to be.
     Somebody once told me "If you aren't out of your comfort zone, you aren't growing." Oh how true that is. For some people that is stepping into a church, for some people that is taking a mission trip to another country, for some people that is placing their trust in God, and for me it was moving to a new place where I knew nobody, to a new school I wasn't used to teaching at and to a community I was certain was speckled with scary people and nothing for me. Oh how wrong I was.
    Although there are days I still brutally miss the comfort of home, the closeness of family and the ears and hugs of good friends, every single day brings me a feeling of purpose and reassurance that we are here on purpose.

 We took an amazing trip back to our old stomping grounds. It was so great to be back! Bozeman, we love youl
 We enjoyed some local talent in downtown Dickinson... Kat Perkins (you may remember her from The Voice)!
My first Medora Musical experience, at it sure was a great one. The Badlands are beautiful, I can't wait to explore more of them!
Keep your eyes out for the latest project I completed! I'm excited about it and excited to share it!

What a beautiful life.