Here you are. Reading the crazy, insightful ramblings of our life. So who are we anyways? Rob, Amber and Louis. We’re the Remarks. A couple of lovers, parents, just trying to make it through this thing called life together, while taking some time to enjoy the ride. I’m a teacher, and Rob is an architect (… well, working towards being one). We laugh more than I thought possible, and life feels like one constant adventure. So jump on our train for a while, and ride along with us. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two, maybe you’ll laugh, or maybe you’ll shed a few tears. Whatever it is, I hope you feel somehow connected to the Remarks.

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Miracle of Life

From the moment that test said "positive" (actually the fourth test said positive, because I didn't believe the first three), I was over the moon excited. Getting to share the news with Rob that we would soon have the titles of "mom" and "dad" was one of my favorite moments to date. But I don't think it fully sunk it. Morning sickness. Extra doctor appointments. Crazy hormones. It was all happening, but I still I hadn't totally wrapped my head around the idea that inside me was a baby. Our baby. The one we would hug, and cuddle and love for the rest of our lives. The one who would change our lives. 

That was until Wednesday

In the past few weeks I have been feeling flutters that have turned to harder "whacks" inside my belly. The reality that a little baby was in there became more real with each feeling of movement. 

But Wednesday... Our 20 week ultrasound... Seeing our child. That was a feeling that can never be described. I am certain that the joys of parenthood will continue to be topped over and over again as we experience many more firsts with baby Remark, but for now it may have been the very best thing I have ever laid my eyes upon. 

Baby found its thumb. 

We are already so in love.

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