Here you are. Reading the crazy, insightful ramblings of our life. So who are we anyways? Rob, Amber and Louis. We’re the Remarks. A couple of lovers, parents, just trying to make it through this thing called life together, while taking some time to enjoy the ride. I’m a teacher, and Rob is an architect (… well, working towards being one). We laugh more than I thought possible, and life feels like one constant adventure. So jump on our train for a while, and ride along with us. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two, maybe you’ll laugh, or maybe you’ll shed a few tears. Whatever it is, I hope you feel somehow connected to the Remarks.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Nesting- Part 1.

January 19th. 31 weeks today. We have reached the single-numbered weeks until Baby Remark makes his or her arrival in this world. Although pregnancy has been a wild ride of emotions I wouldn't trade it for anything. Awaiting the arrival of your bundle of joy is unlike any other wait. The emotions are raw and real, terrifying yet full of joyful anticipation. Your body is growing, and along side it your heart, falling in love with a person you have yet to meet.

Becoming parents has already taught us so much, and I cannot wait to finally hold our little nugget in my arms. Until then, however, I will keep myself preoccupied 'preparing the nest.'

The latest project: a bunting banner for behind baby's crib and a bunting banner to use for monthly photos of Baby Remark. 

Keep an eye out for baby's completed nursery in the coming weeks...